Yuki is a hearing-impaired university student whose life has been enveloped in stillness since birth. She has spent her entire existence in the same house and barely engages with anyone other than her best friend, Rin. During her commute one day, she encounters Rin's common acquaintance, the silver-haired and multilingual Itsuomi.
Itsuomi, unlike most, is unfazed when he hears of Yuki's disability; this, along with his adventures overseas, fascinates and touches her. Her affection for him grows after they separate ways. As Yuki and Itsuomi discover more about one another's unique lives, a whole new universe starts to open up for them both.
This is the physical copy of the A Sign of Affection manhwa.
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Alternative Names:
손끝과 연연
Author: Morishita Suu
Size: 117 mm x 175 mm x 20 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791169477741
ISBN10: 1169477747
Page: 176
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791169477758
ISBN10: 1169477755
Page: 160
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791141102937
ISBN10: 1141102935
Page: 160
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791168768062
ISBN10: 1168768063
Page: 160
Volume 5
ISBN13: 9791169271141
ISBN10: 1169271146
Page: 160
Volume 6
ISBN13: 9791169271752
ISBN10: 1169271758
Page: 176
Volume 7
ISBN13: 9791169475693
ISBN10: 1141107686
Page: 160
Volume 8
ISBN13: 9791141107680
ISBN10: 1169475698
Page: 160
Volume 9
ISBN13: 9791141116873
ISBN10: 1141116871
Page: 160
Volume 10
ISBN13: 9791141129231
ISBN10: 114112923X
Page: 160
Volume 10 Limited Edition
ISBN13: 9791141134037
ISBN10: 1141134039
Page: 160
First Edition Limited: Acrylic stand + PP bookmark +3 Types of paper postcards