Tatsuki Hiruma, a young actor, plays the role of the "brother" of Kei Kasugai, a younger and popular actor. To prepare for the role, they live together during the filming period. However, Kei turns out to be a playboy who sleeps with anyone he meets..
A scandalous love story between two actors, this is the physical copy of Aisaretagari no Surface manhwa.
100% Authentic Hyundai Development Company (Ruvill Comics) Product
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Alternative names: 사랑받고 싶은 서피스
Author: MOMOSE An
Size: 128 x 188 x 20mm
Age: 19 years old
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791170579953
ISBN10: 1170579957
No. of Pages: 176
Publication Date: March 15, 2024