Discover the vibrant, quirky world of Ayakashi-sou - a downtown Asakusa mansion managed by the energetic and determined 16-year-old Miyatsuka Mahoro. Within its walls reside a mischievous Kitsune, a gluttonous Zashikiwarashi, and a Yukionna who loves to sleep in the refrigerator. Despite their poverty, they make the most of each day, creating chaos and excitement. Welcome to the enchanting and lively life of living with Ayakashi!
This is the physical copy of the Ayakashiko manhwa.
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Alternative Names:
Author: Hijiki
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791162355749
ISBN10: 1162355743
Page: 196
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791162356043
ISBN10: 1162356049
Page: 180
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791162356319
ISBN10: 1162356316
Page: 180
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791162356920
ISBN10: 1162356928
Page: 160
Volume 5
ISBN13:Â 9791165802219
ISBN10:Â 116580221X
Page: 152
Volume 6
ISBN13: 9791162359181
ISBN10:Â 1162359188
Page: 172