Miharu Hino, who wasted Christmas alone working part-time at a convenience store, encounters a man wearing a black Santa suit that night. Miharu, who was sentenced to be a 'bad boy' by the man who said 'a black Santa comes to a bad child', is suddenly 'devoured' by Santa's gift bag...? When he woke up, it was a bizarre Santa company. Naughty kid forced labor for Santa. There are cute coworkers who are treated generously, but is this workplace really a white dream or a black nightmare?
These are the physical copies of Black Night Parade manga.
100% Authentic Seoul Media Comics Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / FedEx
Alternative Name:
블랙 나이트 퍼레이드
Author: Hikaru Nakamura
Language: Korean
Size: 128 x 188mm
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791136706973
ISBN10: 1136706976
Pages: 194
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791136761378
ISBN10: 1136761373
Pages: 196