Cosmic Boy (코스믹보이) is a South Korean rapper and producer.
A member of the hip-hop crew WYBH and the duo areyouchildish, here is his 1st album entitled Can I Love?
100% Authentic Cosmic Boy Product
Ships to Worldwide DHL / Fedex
Weight : 2.4kg (Set)
Package Content :
- 12" 1 LP black colored vinyl
- Single Pocket Jacket
- White Inner Sleeve
A1. Love [Feat. Fisher]
A2. Can I Love ? [Feat. 유라(youra), Meego]
A3. About Time [Feat. 기리보이, THAMA]
A4. 주입식 교육 [Feat. 죠지, 최엘비, Coogie]
B1. 내가 싫어하는 생각들과 닮아가는 중 [Feat. OLNL]
B2. 내가 결혼하면 축가는 이 노래 [Feat. areyouchildish]
B3. What's your [Feat. areyouchildish]
B4. 무인도 [Feat. sampling]
B5. (Bonus) 소화불량 [Feat. Kid Milli, 최엘비, 카더가든]