The fateful romance unfolds between Yeo Eui-jun, who is a college student by day and a young part-time worker who lives a tough life on the night shift at a convenience store, and Beom Gun-woo, a world worker in a mysterious organization who is chasing after a big goal. The two meet at a convenience store every day, but by chance, they find out that they are neighbors with a wall in between.
Grab this audio version of the popular manhwa " Dangerous Convenience Store " before it's sold out. You can enjoy to your favorite episode whenever and wherever you are.
Pre-order end date : January 21st, 2024
Delivery Start Date: February, 1st, 2024
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100% Authentic Audiocomics Product
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Alternative Name: 위험한 편의점
Author: 945
Cast: Kwon Seonghyeok X Yu Seon-il, Kim In-hyung, Park Junhyung, Jeong Eui-taek, Kim Jinhong, Jangmi, Kim Jong-yeop, Lee Hyun, Lee Changhyun, Lee Myungho
- 2 DVDs
- 12P Booklet
- Illustration Postcard
- Total Running Time: around 8 hrs