The fateful romance unfolds between Yeo Eui-jun, who is a college student by day and a young part-time worker who lives a tough life on the night shift at a convenience store, and Beom Gun-woo, a world worker in a mysterious organization who is chasing after a big goal. The two meet at a convenience store every day, but by chance, they find out that they are neighbors with a wall in between.
Get ready to brighten your day with the Latest merchandise of 'Dangerous Convenience Store' manhwa. There are various special sets available for selection. Don't miss out on this enchanting opportunity. Get yours now to receive early bird price!
Order Period: February 29th 2024 ~ March 21st 2024
NOTE: Pre-order. Shipping Schedule will start from Mid-April or May 2024 onwards. If you have a preorder item in an order with another item that is already available, your entire order will be shipped together when the preorder item arrives and is in stock. Items will not be shipped separately within the same order number.
100% Authentic Tumblbug Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / FedEx
Alternative Name: 위험한 편의점
Author: 945
Product Information:
1. Dream Book:
- Size: 131 x 190mm/ Paper 128x182mm
- Page: 200
- Content:
- Lenticular Cover, Hardcover
- Side Story: Eui-jun's Dream Ep.1~8
- Best Scenes from Season 1~3
- Author's Interview
- 6 Special Illustrations (New & Four Seasons Illustration included)
- Game Package
2. 4 Types of Sticker ( 1 pack)
- Size: 100 x 130mm
- Content: stamp sticker, famous quote sticker, animal face sticker, Gun-woo & Eui-jun remove sticker
3. Gun-woo ( Size L) & Eui-jun ( Size M) Sleepwear
- Size ( Top bag): 110 x 120cm
- Material: Cotton 100%
- Size Chart:
Size |
Total Length (Top) |
Total Length (Bottom) |
Chest (Top) |
Hem (Bottom) |
Sleeve Length (Top) |
shoulder (Top) |
Hip (Bottom)
Thigh (Bottom)
Waist (Bottom) |
M |
69 | 94 | 53 | 22 | 56 |
44 | 56 | 33 | 32 |
L |
73 | 108 | 58 | 23 | 56 |
48 | 62 | 38 | 34 |
4. Gun-woo & Eui-jun Sleeping Mask
- Size: 133 x 72mm
- Material: Cotton 100% + Digital Printing
5. Gun-woo & Eui-jun Face Hanger
- Size: Gun-woo 445 x 431mm, Eui-jun 387 x 42mm
- Material: Pomex, UVPrint 4 Colors
Configuration For Each Set: Please follow the picture