Kouko is an apprentice detective who is tasked to investigate a case of a murder notice from Inugami, a son of a prestigious family who lives in a boarding house in Tokyo. Koko, who infiltrated the building as an old lady who served as a boarder, was investigated. Can Kouko, who is not good at cooking and reasoning, solve the case?
These are the physical copies of Detective Kouko Feels Melancholy manhwa.
100% Authentic Haksan Cultural History Product
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Alternate Name: 명탐정 코우코는 우울해
Language: Korean
Author: Julietta Suzuki
Size: 117 x 175mm
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791134895730
ISBN10: 1134895739
Pages: 192
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791168766174
ISBN10: 1168766176
Pages: 192
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791169471060
ISBN10: 1169471064
Pages: 192
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791169475631
ISBN10: 1169475639
Pages: 192
Volume 5
ISBN13: 9791141105938
ISBN10: 1141105934
Pages: 192