Happy Concert - Manhwa

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  • Happy Concert - Manhwa
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84 picture stories with a few cuts of pictures and a few lines of text embody the experience and knowledge of life in the world. The artist has produced his own distinctive work with basic lines and vivid colours by extracting knowledge from regular people's banal everyday lives to the truth and enjoyment of life.

The artist's workmanship of attempting to emulate "bamboo, which takes so much time and effort to make a flower blossom" is clearly seen in each piece of cartoon, from line drawing to colouring. And it teaches us once again that we must treasure each moment more, that finding profound thankfulness and delight in the tiny things of daily existence is the wisdom of life.

This is the physical copy of the Happy Concert manhwa.


100% Authentic Haeto Product 

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Alternative Names:
행복 콘서트

Author: Youngsoon Choi

Size: 148 mm x 210 mm x 20 mm

Language: Korean

Volume 1
ISBN13: 9788990978769
ISBN10: 8990978769
Page: 200

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