The story follows the life of a young woman in her 20s who can't hear, blending seamlessly into an ordinary family's everyday existence. It's not about packaging or exaggeration, but rather a portrayal of the distinctive daily routines that come with her unheard world.
Through laughter and poignant moments, the protagonist's calm demeanor allows her experiences to unfold as they are. Breaking free from conventional narratives of overcoming challenges, this work offers an honest and unfiltered glimpse into the cherished and ordinary moments of a comic artist's life.
This is the physical copy of the I Am Deaf manhwa.
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Alternative Names:
나는 귀머거리다
Author:Â Layla
Size: 140Â mm x 204Â mm x 23Â mm
Language:Â Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9788926348024
ISBN10: 8926348024
Page: 182