My Liberation Notes, a South Korean TV series that revolves around the lives of three siblings and a stranger. This hit series stars Lee Min-ki, Kim Ji Won, Lee El, and Son Suk-ku.
Here is the OST album in 2 LPs, filled with mysterious and sweet music from this intriguing Kdrama.Â
100% Authentic JTBC Drama Product
Ships to Worldwide DHL / Fedex
Package Composition:
* 2LP Black Vinyl
* Pressed in France / USA Lacquer Cutting
* Wide Jacket
* 2 Inner Sleeves
* Lyrics including lyrics and famous lines 8p
*4 folding post cards for 4 main characters
Track List:
A1 Kwak Jin-eon - A Kind of Confession (Male Ver.)
A2 Hen - Fook
A3 Lee Junhyung - I hope we can be together
A4 Shin Yumi - Slow Pace
A5 Dong Wook Dong - That Day
A6 Ha Hyun-sang - Be My Birthday
B1 Choi Jeong-in - My Liberation Journal
B2 Park Jung-eun - No Problem
B3 Ong Seong-eung - Nostalgia
B4 Kim Yeon-jung - No One
B5 Mihyun Lim - Wind Blows
B6 Choi Jeong-in - Someone
B7 Ong Seong-eung - Run Away
C1 Hen - A Kind of Confession (Female Ver.)
C2 SWAY - We Sink
C3 Lee Soo-hyun - My Spring
C4 Ki-duk Choi (9duck) - Diamond
C5 Isaac Hong - I think I know
C6 Phil Kim - Here We Are
D1 Kim Yeon-jung - A Pastoral Song
D2 Choi Jung-in - Not a Thing
D3 Lim Mi-hyun - Sorrow
D4 Ong Seong-eung - The Liberation Club
D5 Hyunpil Shin - I Got A Feeling
D6 Chaeyoung Yoon - Worship Me
D7 Yoon Chae-young - Border
D8 Kim Yeon-jung - Save You, Save Me