The explosive K-drama Reborn Rich revolves around Yoon Hyeon-Woo (Song Joong-ki) who works hard for Soonyang Conglomerate for over 10 years. His job is similar to that of a servant, but he is falsely accused of embezzlement by the conglomerate family.
Having being shot, he finds himself in the body of the family's youngest grandson Jin Do-Jun. He decides to take revenge on the Soonyang Conglomerate family. This is the OST from the popular drama.
100% Authentic JTBC Drama Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / Fedex
Weight : 1.5kg
Package Composition:
- 2 CDs
- 1 Booklet (60 pages)
Track List:
02. Mother
03. 너를 사랑하고 있어
04. Like a Star (별처럼)
05. In The End
06. 기적 같은 너
07. Love me
08. Black Out (Open Title)
09. A Massive Plot
10. Last Opportunity
11. Reversed Life
12. End Game
13. Memory
14. Darker Change
15. A Lonely Time
16. Alone
17. Broken Trust
18. Fateful Blood
19. Impossible
20. Nice Plan
21. Destiny And Tears
01. Waiting
02. Nervous Disposition
03. Plan For Success
04. Wild Attack
05. Who Was Killed
06. Savior
07. Secret Of Memory
08. Have A Delight
09. In Trouble
10. Overcome The Dark
11. Light In The Darkness
12. Final Victory
13. Savior Of Life
14. Deep Blue
15. Sad Revenge
16. The Revenge
17. Angry Chairman
18. Miracle Waves
19. Despair Tension
20. Who Was Killed Me (Orchestra ver)
21. Identity (Ending Title)