Bloody Heart, a K-drama series that revolves around Lee Tae’s father who deposed the current king with the help of Park Gye-Won and became the new king. Lee Tae succeeds the father and became the king but he wants to rule as an absolute monarch, which is against Park Gye-Won's wishes.
This is the OST of this highly intriguing drama, surely will make you swoon to the music.
100% Authentic KBS2 Drama Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / Fedex
Weight : 1.5kg
Package Composition :
- 1CD (20 tracks in total)
- Photobook (32p) - 140 x 195mm
- 1 each of Itae/Yujeong photocards (2 in total) - 55 x 85mm
- Digipack - 200 x 145mm
- 1 type of bookmark - 90 x 50.5mm
Track List:
01. Dimly (아스라이) - RIO
02 Wish Becomes Stars (소망은 별이 되어) - Kim Yeon Woo
03 It’s Red - ID:Earth
04 A Star in the dawn (새벽에 핀 별 하나) - Chung Ha
05 Let It Flow (흘려보낸다) - Lim Sang Hyun
06 Missing You (그리워서) - Han Dong Geun
07 The King and I - Oh Hye-joo
08 Bloody Waltz - Choi In-hee, Oh Hye-joo
09 Flame of Love - Choi In-hee, Lee So-ri
10 Justification - Choi In-hee, Lee So-ri
11 Bitter - Choi In-hee, Ahn Ji-hoon, Choi Jin-il
12 Red Waltz - Ariel
13 Yoo-jeong's Song - Choi In-hee, Oh Hye-joo
14 The strategy of preparation - Kim Moon-jung
15 Number of wins - Choi In-hee, Oh Hye-joo
16 Opening Ceremony - Choi In-hee, Im Hyun-ji
17 Choice - Choi In-hee, Oh Hye-joo
18 I will make Seong-gun - Choi In-hee, Lee So-ri
19 Wol-young (Moon-young) - Choi In-hee, Im Hyun-ji
20 Red Single Heart - Choi In-hee, Oh Hye-joo