A special edition of popular Korean romance manga by the renowned author Lee Mi Ra, beloved by many girls in the 90s, is being newly published. The edition includes five works: "The Land Where Silver Rain Falls," "For the Mermaid Princess," "The Evergreen Tree," "The Evergreen Story," and "Another Story."
Some manuscripts have been personally revised by the author, making it an even more special collection. Among them, the three works "The Evergreen Tree," "The Evergreen Story," and "Another Story" are combined into a box set, enhancing their value as a collector's item.
These are physical copies of the Lee Mi Ra Special Edition Story Series Box Set manhwa.
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Alternate Names:
이미라 스페셜 에디션 이야기 시리즈 박스세트
늘 푸른 나무, Evergreen Tree
Language: Korean
Author: Lee Mi Ra
Size: 148 x 210mm
Box Set
ISBN13: 9791141103293
ISBN10: 114110329X
Pages: 2,490
Composition: Total 7 volumes
Evergreen Tree 1
ISBN13: 9791141103316
ISBN10: 1141103311
Pages: 318
Evergreen Tree 2
ISBN13: 9791141103323
ISBN10: 114110332X
Pages: 306