Legs That Won't Walk is a popular series that follows a retired boxer Soo-young who discovers he has to pay off his father's debt when Tae-seung hunts him down. Intrigued by Soo-young's persistence, Tae-seung offers him an alternative.
Physical copy of the Legs That Won't Walk Vol. 1 to Vol. 3 manhwa.
Note: A limited edition photocard is given while stocks last.
Volume 2 : 344pages, ISBN 9791193960035
Volume 3 : 316 pages, ISBN 9791193960042
100% Authentic Lezhin ProductÂ
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / FedEx
Alternative Names:
걷지 않는 다리, Gyeot-ji Anneun Dari
Author: Heuksalgu
Size:Â 130 x 190mm
Language:Â Korean
Pages: 304