The series has an omegaverse setting and follows Hye-sung, an Omega who thought he was an Alpha until recently, and Dojin, an Alpha who can't stand Omegas.
Unique Love is an Illusion merchandises are now available for fan's collections. Experience the magic of Christmas with this enchanting present! Grab them before they got sold out now.
NOTE: Pre-order. Shipping will start on 26th January 2024 onwards. If you have a preorder item in an order with another item that is already available, your entire order will be shipped together when the preorder item arrives and is in stock. Items will not be shipped separately within the same order number.
Note: Free gifts (illustration photocards, hologram photocard, etc will be given strictly based on certain terms and conditions and while stocks last).
100% Authentic Toon!que Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / FedEx
Alternative Names: 사랑은 환상
Size: Different