In the Taisho era, waitress Ranko Hanamiya receives an unexpected gift from a handsome stranger. Despite her family's pressure to marry, Ranko is not interested and will not give in to societal expectations. When she learns that the stranger is the unsociable Ichirou, who she met at work, things become even more complicated.
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Alternate Name:Â
Marriage Proposal: Taisho's Noble Son's Forced Marriage
나와 결혼해줘 란코
Author: Fukushima Yucca
Language:Â Korean
Volume 1Â
ISBN13: 9791190746656
ISBN10: 1190746654
Pages: 144
First edition limited: 1 envelope for congratulatory money (book and wrapping)
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791190746762
ISBN10: 119074676X
Pages: 144
First edition limited: 1 envelope for congratulatory money (book and wrapping)
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791198845740
ISBN10: 1198845740
Pages: 144
First edition limited: 1 envelope for congratulatory money (book and wrapping)
Volume 4
ISBN13: 791198954350
ISBN10: 1198954353
Pages: 144
First edition limited: 1 envelope for congratulatory money (book and wrapping)