The Golden Spoon, a K-drama series that focuses on Lee Seung-Cheon (Yook Sung-Jae), a high school student. He comes from a poor family. After meeting an old woman, he believed her and bought a golden spoon for $3. Soon, his life changes.
Here is the OST album filled with melodious music from this intriguing K-drama.
100% Authentic MBC Drama Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / Fedex
Weight: 1.5kg
Package Composition:
- Outbox (162 x 115mm)
- Booklet (72P)
- 2 CD
- 4 Photocards
- 4 Mini Posters
- 1 Bookmark
01. 이제 시작이야 [민경훈]
02. Answer [김예지]
03. You’re the only one (Male Ver.) [케빈오]
04. You’re the only one (Duet Ver.) [해리안 윤소안]
05. Be there (Male Ver.) [오왠 (O.WHEN)]
06. Be there (Female Ver.) [기뮤]
07. Someday I will [리오 (RIO)]
08. Lost [Sondia]
09. On My Way [영재 (GOT7)]
10. Only You [소유]
11. Falling [전상근]
12. 보고싶은 그대가 [이소정]
01. Challenger
02. A Changed World
03. Mystic Beads
04. Supernova
05. Money Game
06. Romance
07. Miss My Time
08. Impetus
09. Enigma
10. Let's Have A Meal
11. Reversed Fate
12. Interrogation
13. Survive
14. Hero
15. The True Winner
16. The Rich And The Poor
17. The Secret Of The Golden Spoon
18. Evil Desire
19. Golden Spoon