Discover the heartwarming story of Sui, a junior high school student who is struggling to get along with her sister's boyfriend, Midori-kun. Despite his teasing, Sui enlists Midori-kun as her home tutor and discovers a surprising connection. Don't miss out on this charming manga!
This is the physical copy of the Midori Loves My Sister manhwa.
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Alternative Names:
My Sister's Midori-kun
언니의 미도리 군
Author: Amu Meguro
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791170627975
ISBN10: 1170627978
Page: 208
First Edition limited: Black and white edition stickers
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791171241361
ISBN10: 1171241364
Page: 176
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791171244034
ISBN10: 1171244037
Page: 178
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791171729685
ISBN10: 1171729685
Page: 184
Volume 5
ISBN13: 9791172459222
ISBN10: 1172459223
Page: 192