Discover your destiny as a shaman and unleash your power upon the world. Despite his desire, Choi Young-hoon strives to lead a regular office job. However, with his keen insight and motivation, can he truly deny his true calling and become just another office worker?
These are the physical copies of Office Worker Who Sees Fate manhwa.
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Alternative Names:
운명을 보는 회사원
Author: Youngwan, Im Seongwook
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791167794697
ISBN10: 1167794699
Pages: 272
First Edition Limited: 1 ID photo (book and wrapping)
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791167794789
ISBN10: 1167794788
Pages: 272
First Edition Limited: 1 ID photo (book and wrapping)
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791167794963
ISBN10: 1167794966
Pages: 272
First Edition Limited: 1 ID photo (book and wrapping)