Discover the vibrant and chaotic Gokurakugai, a district filled with secrets waiting to be uncovered. Meet Tao and Alma, a pair of skilled troubleshooters for hire, as they embark on thrilling missions such as finding a lost friend, tracking down a disappearing person, and investigating mysterious animal deaths. But beware, lurking in the shadows are malevolent spirits who will challenge and reveal the true nature of these troubleshooters.
These are the physical copies of the Paradise District manhwa.
100% Authentic Daewon Product
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Alternate Name:
Author: Yuto Sano
Language: Korean
Volume 1:
ISBN13: 9791171249022
ISBN10: 1171249020
Pages: 178
Volume 2:
ISBN13: 9791172030339
ISBN10: 1172030332
Pages: 192