Magical Girl Madoka Magica, the famous anime that debuted in 2011, has been released as a complete new version. Kyuubey is a mysterious creature who appears in front of Madoka Kaname, an ordinary Mitakihara Middle School pupil. In addition, Homura Akemi, an enigmatic transfer student, attempts to prevent Madoka from becoming a magical girl. Madoka's option is...?
These are the physical copies of the new edition of Puella Magi Madoka Magica manga.
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100% Authentic Haksan Cultural History Product
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Alternative Names: 마법소녀 마도카 마기카, Madoka Magica
Author/Art: Magica Quartet / Hanokage
Size: 148 x 210mm
Language: Korean
Part 1
ISBN13: 9791141101398
ISBN10: 1141101394
Page: 236
First Press (While stocks last): Bookmark (book and wrapping)
Part 2
ISBN13: 9791141101404
ISBN10: 1141101408
Page: 236
First Press (While stocks last): Bookmark (book and wrapping)
ISBN13: 9791141101411
ISBN10: 1141101416
Page: 472
Composition: 2 volumes + 2 types of transparent pp cards + A5 L holder