In this sci-fi thriller set in Japan's future, Tsuneo Ooguro's discovery of a mysterious new planet from another universe thrusts him and his daughter Remina into the spotlight.
But as the strange planet Remina approaches Earth, its odd behavior and destructive tendencies cause panic and turn the Ooguros from heroes to villains. Now, Remina must fight to survive in a world that sees her as Public Enemy No. 1 while the threat of the hellstar looms ever closer.
This is the physical copy of the Remina manga.
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Alternative Names:
지옥별 ë ˆë¯¸ë‚˜
Author:Â Itou Junji
Size:Â 153Â mm x 210Â mm x 20Â mm
Language:Â Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9788952757968
ISBN10: 8952757963
Page: 294