The fateful romance unfolds between Yeo Eui-jun, who is a college student by day and a young part-time worker who lives a tough life on the night shift at a convenience store, and Beom Gun-woo, a world worker in a mysterious organization who is chasing after a big goal. The two meet at a convenience store every day, but by chance, they find out that they are neighbors with a wall in between.
These are physical copies of the Dangerous Convenience Store manhwa.
NOTE Season 3 (Vol. 3 & 4): Pre-order. Shipping will start on 20th December 2023 onwards. If you have a pre-order item in an order with another item that is already available, your entire order will be shipped together when the pre-order item arrives and is in stock. Items will not be shipped separately within the same order number.
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Alternative Name: 위험한 편의점
Author: 945
Size: 145 x 200mm
Suitable for age: 19 years old +
Volume 1 (Season 1)
ISBN13: 9791192674056
ISBN10: 1192674057
Pages: 228
Volume 2 (Season 1)
ISBN13: 9791192674063
ISBN10: 1192674065
Pages: 240
Season 1 Package
ISBN13: 9791192674186
Pages: 468
Package Includes: All 2 volumes + 2 illustration postcards + transparent bookmarker + acrylic stand + convenience store receipt + 6 types of straps
Volume 3 (Season 2)
ISBN13: 9791170950035
ISBN10: 1170950035
Pages: 280
Volume 4 (Season 2)
ISBN13: 9791170950042
ISBN10: 1170950043
Pages: 288
Season 2 Package
ISBN13: 9791170950066
ISBN10: 117095006X
Pages: 568
Package Includes: All 2 volumes + acrylic stand + business card + 2 transparent photo cards + 11 removable pieces of stickers
Volume 5
ISBN13: 979117095102507810
Pages: 252
Volume 6
ISBN13: 979117095103207810
Pages: 272
Volume 5-6 Special Edition Package
ISBN13: 979117095104904810
Pages: 524
Package Includes: All 2 volumes 5-6 + wedding illustration board + wedding invitation set, 4 cuts in life, masking tape, magnet