I Will Change The Genre follows Judith MAIBAUM who reincarnated into her favorite novel genre. Unfortunately, she became the villainous aunt who mistreats the young protagonist. Compassion for her nephew grew and things start to turn awry.
These are the physical copies of I Will Change The Genre manhwa.
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Alternative Names : It's Time to Change the Genre, I Will Make an Effort to Change the Genre, The Villainess Flips the Script , 장르를 바꿔보도록 하겠습니다
Author : Garin, Garini, KEN, KEN (켄)
Language : Korean
Size : 145 x 210 x 30mm
Volume 1
Pages: 308
ISBN13 : 9791138590198
ISBN10 : 1138590193
First Edition (While stocks last): postcard (book and wrapping)