Kyuuko is the unique daughter of a Shinto priest and a kitsune mother, standing out from her eight siblings who possess both beauty and intelligence. Her journey through life explores the power of her personal charm.
This is the physical copy of the Salrang Salrang Queen manhwa.
100% Authentic Seoul Media Comics (Seoul Munhwasa)Â ProductÂ
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Alternative Names:
ì‚´ëž‘ì‚´ëž‘ Q
Author: Amagakure Gido
Language:Â Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791136748997
ISBN10: 1136748997
Page: 192
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791136780751
ISBN10: 1136780750
Page: 160
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791136782854
ISBN10: 1136782850
Page: 162
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791136796912
ISBN10: 1136796916
Page: 162