Gong-ja Kim lives a mundane existence, envying all the star hunters. However, his wish for more is granted with a legendary skill to copy others' abilities... at the cost of his life. Then, he was killed by the #1 hunter, the Flame Emperor!
This is the physical copy of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Vol. 3 manhwa.
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Alternative Names: SSS급 죽어야 사는 헌터, SSS-Class Hunter That Needs to Die to Live, SSS-Class Hunter Who Needs to Die to Live, SSS-Class Suicide Hunter, SSSCSH
Author: Shin Noah (신노아) – Neida (네이다) – Bill K
Size: 148 x 210 x 20mm
Language: Korean
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791138589833
ISBN10: 1138589837
Pages: 256
First edition (while stocks last): 3 types of character cards