Legendary trainer K, who has raised five world champions, wanders in search of the last player he will train. He discovers a player with a genius talent named Ryu Baek-San at a gym. He falls into the eyes of a boy who is being assaulted. Having tested and confirmed his intuition in the boy, K proposes to try boxing...!!
These are the physical copies of The Boxer manhwa.
100% Authentic Daewon CI (Comic) Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / Fedex
Author: Jihoon Jung
Language: Korean
Size: 148 x 210mm (A5)
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791136282422
ISBN10: 1136282424
Pages:Â 232
Volume 1 Limited Edition
ISBN13: 9791136286703
ISBN10:Â 1136286705
Pages:Â 200
Package: Sports towel (400 x 900mm) + Clear holder (158 x 210mm) + Lenticular card (75 x 110mm) + Mouse pad (210 x 158mm) + PP illustration card (55 x 85mm)
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791136289377
ISBN10:Â 1136289372
Pages:Â 304
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791136295033
ISBN10:Â 1136295038
Pages:Â 336
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791169184922
ISBN10:Â 1136295038
Pages:Â 336
Volume 5
ISBN13: 9791169446686
ISBN10: 116944668X
Pages:Â 304
Volume 6
ISBN13: 9791169449359
ISBN10: 1169449352
Pages:Â 316
Volume 7
ISBN13: 9791170620617
ISBN10: 1170620612
Pages:Â 336
First edition (while stock lasts): clear card (book and wrapping)
Volume 8
ISBN13: 9791171249961
ISBN10: 1171249969
Pages:Â 312
First edition (while stock lasts): 2 types of illustrated PET cards (book and wrapping)
Volume 9
ISBN13: 9791172030858
ISBN10: 1172030855
Pages: 320
Volume 10
ISBN13: 9791172883553
ISBN10: 1172883556
Pages: 336/336g
First edition (while stock lasts): 2 types of illustrated PET cards (book and wrapping)