Enter the world of Shinozaki – a typical salaryman whose head is prone to falling off – as he encounters the mysterious Yuuyake and discovers the shocking truth about his body. According to her, Shinozaki's grandmother, a powerful magician, had modified his body with advanced machinery. Now, Yuuyake will take on the role of maintaining his unique body on a regular basis.
This is the physical copy of the The Everyday Maintenance of Shinozaki-kun manhwa.
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Alternative Names:
Shinozaki-kun no Mente Jijou
시노자키 군의 정비 사정
Author: Burio Michiru
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791136775450
ISBN10: 1136775455
Page: 162
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791136776686
ISBN10: 1136776680
Page: 162
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791136781390
ISBN10: 1136781390
Page: 162
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791136783202
ISBN10: 1136783202
Page: 162