Fujie, an exceedingly naive college student, is currently troubled by a man who seems to be close to his best friend Yoshida. That man, Haruki Oshima, looks light and frivolous, and there are even rumors that he is gay and that they are dating. That jerk doesn't suit Yoshida at all! When he told them about the rumors, they laughed and confessed that they had provided Yoshida dating tips. Shocked that he discussed it with someone other than himself, he exhibits hatred to Oshima and maintains a cold attitude, but the person in question appears to be closer to him and then takes the first kiss from the depressed Fujie-?!
This is the physical copy of the Let Me Hate You manga.
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Alternative Names:
까칠한 흑발 안경 군은 의외로 귀여워
Hysteric na Kurokami Megane-kun wa Igai to Kawaii
Language: Korean
Author: Ayu Sakumoto
Size: 128 x 188mm
Age: +19 years old
ISBN13: 9788927042495
ISBN10: 8927042492
Pages: 224