Akari is a curious high school student who resides in an environment filled with her favoured people and objects. She has an interesting existence, and due to an odd turn of events, she develops feelings for the "Disinterested Prince," a child who doesn't seem to care about anyone or anything in particular.
Despite the fact that he remarked, "Isn't it just irritating to get engaged with strangers?" He occasionally exudes a sense of loneliness, which increases Hikari's curiosity about his existence.
This is the physical copy of the The More You Chew, the Sweeter It Gets manhwa.
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Alternative Names:
씹으면 씹을수록 달콤해져
The More You Bite, the Sweeter
Author: Hinachi Nao
Size: 117 mm x 175 mm x 20 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791169440745
ISBN10: 1169440746
Page: 170
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791169444668
ISBN10: 1169444660
Page: 168
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791169447423
ISBN10: 1169447422
Page: 168
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791169796323
ISBN10: 116979632X
Page: 170
Volume 5
ISBN13: 9791171721726
ISBN10: 1171721722
Page: 168
Volume 6
ISBN13: 9791172033293
ISBN10: 1172033293
Page: 168