This novel combines elements of the Thelma & Louise and Yakuza thriller genres. Yoriko Shindo is a skilled fighter who works as a driver for a florist in early-80s Tokyo. She was raised by her grandparents in Hokkaido and taught how to fight by her grandfather. One day, Yoriko's fighting skills catch the attention of the local Yakuza group, and she is forced to serve as the chauffeur and bodyguard for Shoko Naiki, the expressionless, sheltered daughter of the Yakuza boss. Shoko is a college student who lives the life of an elite prisoner of war, barred from speaking her mind or leaving the Naiki compound without accompaniment. Initially, Yoriko and Shoko are at odds with each other, but they eventually come to understand each other's desperate circumstances and form a bond as they navigate the restrictive world they are trapped in.
This is the physical copy of The Night of Baba Yaga novel.
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Alternative Names:
Babayaga no Yoru
바바야가의 밤
Author: Akira Otani
Size: 140*197*20mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791192313139
ISBN10: 1192313135
Pages: 204