In the forest, there were two mysterious beasts: a dragon resembling a boy and a white tiger resembling a woman, who lived together in a fantasy romance. The white tiger had caught a dragon, who was said to have the power to heal any wound with its blood and grant immortality with its heart. However, despite the dragon's legendary powers, the tiger chose not to eat it and instead, the two strange beasts began an odd coexistence as prey and predator.
Physical copies of The Tiger Won't Eat the Dragon Yet. manga.
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Alternative Names:
호랑이는 용을 아직 먹지 않는다
The Tiger Still Don’t Eat the Dragon
Tora wa ryuu wo mada tabenai
Author: Inaba Hachi
Size: 128 mm x 180 mm x 15 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791138436014
ISBN10: 1138436011
Page: 210
First edition (While Stocks Last): PET Illustration Card (Book and Wrapping)
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791138478199
ISBN10: 1138478199
Page: 2002
First edition (While Stocks Last): Illustration Card (Book and Wrapping)