This is the eleventh novel of the Boukyaku Tantei Series witten by Nisio Isin. The story follows Kyouko Okitegami, a private investigator who solves all of her cases in one day because her memories reset every time she goes to sleep.
This is a physical copy of The Train Ticket of Kyouko Okitegami light novel.
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Alternative Names: 오키테가미 쿄코의 승차권, Okitegami Kyōko no Jōshaken
Language: Korean
Author: Nisio Isin, VOFAN (Art)
Size: 126 x 188mm
ISBN13: 9791169471978
ISBN10: 1169471978
Pages: 312
First edition (while stocks last): 1 type of pp bookmark (book and wrapping)