The story follows the adventurer Lecan, who is on a quest to become stronger. He enters a black hole in a labyrinth and finds himself in a new world, but he remains determined to overcome challenges and obstacles to achieve his goal. Lecan takes on challenging labyrinths and powerful foes to become even more powerful.
These are physical copies of The Wolf Never Sleeps manga.
NOTE Volume 2: Pre-order. Shipping will start on 30th April 2023 onwards. If you have a preorder item in an order with another item that is already available, your entire order will be shipped together when the preorder item arrives and is in stock. Items will not be shipped separately within the same order number.
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Alternative Name:
늑대는 ìž ë“¤ì§€ 않는다
Ookami wa Nemuranai
The Wolf Won't Sleep
Author: Kiichi Taga, Shienbishop
Size: 128 x 180mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791166118500
ISBN10: 1166118509
Pages:Â 178
First edition (while stocks lasts):Â Ribbon + double-sided illustration card (book and wrapping)
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791138477956
ISBN10: 1138477958
Pages:Â 162
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791138481090
ISBN10: 1138481092
Pages: 226