Death's Game follows Choi Yee-Jae (Seo In-Guk) who grew up in a poor family background. However, after 7 years of failing to find a decent job, he is now in despair and wants to commit suicide. After his death, he faces the being Death (Park So-Dam), who is standing in front of the gate to Hell. He is punished to experience death 12 more times through different bodies.Â
Check out the mesmerizing OST in LP.
100% Authentic TVING Drama Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / Fedex
Weight : 2.5kg (Set)
Package Content :
- 1LP
- 180g
- Gatefold + Photobook (16p)
- 1 type of lenticular postcard
- 12 types of photo cards
Track List:
A1Â Main Theme of Death's Game
   Composed by Park Seong-il / Arranged by Judah Earl
A2Â Even if there is no miracle
   Composed by Park Seong-il / Lyrics by Seo Dong-seong / Arranged by Park Seong-il,    Uncle Sam
A3Â It's a Lie
   Composed by Park Seong-il / Lyrics by Seo Dong-seong / Arranged by Park Seong-il
A4Â What I Say Today
   Composed by Park Seong-il / Lyrics by Lee Chi-hoon / Arranged by Uncle Sam
A5Â Those Left Behind
   Composed by Judah Earl / Arranged by Judah Earl
A6Â A day when nothing works
   Composed by Kim Yu-kyung / Arranged by Kim Yu-kyung
B1Â Lee Jae, I will die soon
   Composed by Park Seong-il / Arranged by Judah Earl
B2Â One Life
   Composed by Park Seong-il / Arranged by Judah Earl
B3Â Bead of Memory
   Composed by Judah Earl / Arranged by Judah Earl
B4Â Punishment given to myself
   Composed by Lee Sang-min / Arranged by Lee Sang-min
B5Â The hunt begins
   Composed by Judah Earl / Arranged by Judah Earl
B6Â The crime that brought death first
   Composed by Hyungbo Shim / Arranged by Hyungbo Shim
B7Â How to escape death
   Composed by Judah Earl / Arranged by Judah Earl
B8Â A life of fear is not a real life
   Composed by Judah Earl, Jeremiah Earl / Arranged by Judah Earl, Jeremiah Earl