Alchemy of Souls (환혼), the highly acclaimed South Korean TV series stars Lee Jae Wook, Ko Yoon-Jung. The series revolves around Jang Uk (Lee Jae Wook) who has an unpleasant secret about his birth. But then, he meets Mu-Deok (Jung So Min), an elite warrior trapped in a physically weak body. Events start to take a turn.Â
Three years later, Jang Uk spends his lonely days hunting soul shifters. He carries the ice stone within him that allowed him to be reborn. In Jinyowon, Jin Bu-Yeon (Ko Yoon-Jung) has lost all of her memories and divine powers. She was pulled out of Lake Gyeongcheondaeho and brought back to life with the help of Master Lee Cheol (Lim Chul-Soo). On a whim, Jin Bu-Yeon asks Jang Uk to marry her. Their story begins.
Check out their amazing OST.
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Weight : 2kg
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- Poster (580 x 820mm)
Package Content :
- Outbox (162 x 162 x 28mm)
- Photo Book 64P - 150 x 150 x 6mm
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- Smart Tok
- 8 photo cards set (55 x 85mm)
- 6 photo calendars (with frame) - 110 x 150mm
Track List: TBC