Embark on a mesmerizing journey through the realms of human beliefs and the mysteries of the universe. Daisuke Igarashi's incredible talent brings imagination to life on paper, resulting in intricately detailed and awe-inspiring creations. It's a true homage to the power of human imagination. Experience the awakening of the inner witch within and delve into the enchanting and literary world of these captivating tales.
Physical copies of the Witches manga.
100% Authentic Munhakdongne ProductÂ
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Alternative Names: 마녀
Author: Daisuke Igarashi
Size: 148 x 210mm
Language:Â Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13:Â 9788954693189
ISBN10: 8954693180
Page:Â 196
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9788954693196
ISBN10: 8954693199
Page:Â 216