Shougetsu, an honors student, discovers the wonders of anal pleasure. However, a student from the same grade, Kyoujima, finds him anal masturbating in a classroom after school. In exchange for his silence, Kyoujima 'threatens' him to continue.
Curiosity-filled high-schoolers' pleasure study love, this is the physical copy of Yuutousei wa Mi no Hodo Shirazu manhwa.
100% Authentic Hyundai Development Company (Ruvill Comics) Product
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Alternative names: 우등생 화 미 만큼 모르고
Author: Takuma
Size: 128 x 188 x 20mm
Age: 19 years old
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791170579335
ISBN10: 1170579337
No. of Pages: 208
Publication Date: March 29, 2024